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Urgently Required : Senior Technical Writer & Matter Expert – Oil & Gas Operations/Maintenance

AMEC’s Training & Development Services Group currently has an exciting opportunity available for an experienced Technical Writer in our Jakarta, Indonesia office. As the successful candidate your primary focus and involvement will be developing operating and maintenance procedures for a major oil and gas development in Indonesia. If you have a successful track record and thrive on challenges in a fast paced environment, this opportunity is for you.

1. Senior Technical Writer

Developing content for operating and maintenance procedures; using site-specific engineering information. 
Creating assessments and training plans to supplement operation and maintenance procedures. 
Reporting project progress to the Project Manager. 
Contacting client Subject Matter Experts to obtain and clarify technical information; working remotely and during on-site visits. 
Working within a team environment, using strong interpersonal skills while enabling seamless interaction with internal departments and client representatives. 
Generating requests for information from the client representative or Subject Matter Expert. 
Implementing in-house and client edits, while maintaining project standards.
Potentially leading and supporting a team of in-country technical writers.


Degree or Diploma in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. Applicants with operating experience in the oil and gas industry also considered.
5+ years of technical writing experience and/or equivalent process industry training experience. 
Excellent English reading and writing skills are essential; additional languages considered an asset. 
Ability to comprehend P&ID’s, vendor information, and process control descriptions.
A strong proficiency in MS Word is required. 
Must be able to relocate to Jakarta or work on a rotational basis.
Must be able to travel and have a willingness to work on occasion in various field locations. 

2. Expert – Oil & Gas Operations/Maintenance

Working with a technical writer to develop content for operating and maintenance procedures; using your process knowledge and site-specific engineering information. 
Reporting project progress to the Project Manager. 
Contacting client and vendor representatives to obtain and clarify technical information; working remotely and during on-site visits. 
Working within a team environment, using strong interpersonal skills while enabling seamless interaction with internal departments and client representatives. 
Generating requests for information for client and vendor representatives. 
Following and maintaining project standards.
Potentially leading and supporting a team of in-country technical writers.


Degree or Diploma in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. 
A minimum of ten (10) years operating experience in the oil and gas industry.
Technical writing experience and/or equivalent process industry training experience is preferred. 
Excellent English reading and writing skills are essential; additional languages considered an asset. 
Ability to comprehend P&ID’s, vendor information, and process control descriptions.
A strong proficiency in MS Word is required. 
Must be able to relocate to Jakarta or work on a rotational basis.
Must be able to travel and have a willingness to work on occasion in various field locations. 

AMEC plc is a focused supplier of high-value consultancy, engineering and project management services to the world's natural resources, nuclear, clean energy, water and environmental sectors. With annual revenues of over £3.2 billion, AMEC designs, delivers and maintains strategic and complex assets for its customers. The company employs some 29,000 people in more than 40 countries globally.

All applicant should be drop their resume to:    


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