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Vacancy IT Manager for Multinational Company

KBR is a leading global engineering, construction and service company supporting the energy, hydrocarbon, government service and civil infrastructure sectors. To fulfill the requirements in the recently awarded Projects, the Jakarta Engineering Office seeks talented and experienced Indonesian nationals to fill the following positions:

Required education, skills and experience:
  • Candidate must have an undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Business Administration or Engineering with 8+ years experience in Systems Development and / or Applications Support which includes experience in Analysis, Design, Programming, Product Selection, Support and/or Maintenance.  MBA is preferred.
  • Candidate must have 3-5+ years IT Application Development experience, including 3 5+ years systems support experience. Global experience is preferred.
  •  Demonstrated ability to work in matrix team environments, including strong stakeholder interface capability.
  • Extensive experience in the full Software Development Life Cycle processes including   software design, development and maintenance experience of mission critical  application systems, ITIL certification preferred.
  • Strong project management skills, PMI certification preferred.
  • Strong experience with Oracle and SQL databases and Windows 2003 and 2008 environments.
  • Strong analytical skills and the ability to address complex tasks, consistently deliver project scheduled completion.
  •  Strong project planning and management skills, including monitoring progress, taking corrective action and reporting results.
  • Good organizational skills, as well as excellent written, oral and presentational communication abilities.
  •  Ability to work independently and keep management adequately informed
  •   Knowledge of data processing including a high-end (general) technical knowledge of hardware, software, databases and database technology.
  • Prior experience in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction and Public Sector industries.
Job Description
  • Implement and maintain IT development controls and processes within the current SSRS reporting staff, establish future IT model to support development of KBR custom applications and interfaces, database management, and ETL (Informatics) support requirements. 
  • Manage assigned staff, contractors and/or consultants. 
  • Establishes and communicates common goals and direction for the team. 
  • Ensures system changes are successfully implemented within agreed schedules and costs in compliance with corporate and IT goals and standards and monitored to increase efficiency.
  • Hire, mentor and manage staff.  Manage activities between the IT Resource Manager and the IT development staff and third party consultants and contractors, while keeping management informed of progress, benefits, achievements and risks. 
  • Provide strategic and technical input on direction for solutions that are consistent with IT strategic direction and processes.

1.  Good command of both written and spoken English & Bahasa  Indonesia
2.  Good communication skills and team player
3.  Good HSE Awareness and Trustworthy
4.  Willing to take overseas Assignment
Interested candidates should send their resume in English to:
Mentioning the position applied in the subject email
Not later than 1 week after this advertisement.
DO NOT attach scanned certificates, transcripts and reference letters and ONLY SHORT-LISTED candidates will be contacted

Tanggal Posting Milis Migas Indonesia : 11 Oktober 2012


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