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Yang berminat kerja di Abu Dhabi, mumpung Winter mulai masuk :)
Silahkan apply online via link

Riksha. L [Mr.]

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From: RIGZONE <>
Date: Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 10:32 AM



A new job posted on seems to match the skills and experience found within your resume. Please take a look at the information about this job opportunity below. If you would like to apply for this position, please click the link at the bottom of this email.

Job Requirements To Apply Visit:
Company Name: Weatherford
Job Category:Design Eng. / FEED
Education Level: Bachelors/3-5 yr Degree
Req'd Experience:2 years
Desired Expertise:Design Engineer, Mechanical Engineering
Proposed Salary:Competitive
Country:United Arab Emirates
Location: Abu Dhabi

Job Description


Selectively evaluate and apply standard engineering techniques, procedures and criteria while performing assignments designed to expand their professional knowledge and abilities, while carrying out a sequence of
related engineering tasks. The ability to exercise sound engineering judgement is required on details of work
and in making preliminary adaptations of engineering alternatives.


5.1 Performs fundamental engineering tasks within the established Product Development Process. These tasks include, but are not limited to: strength of material problems, stress analysis, simple torque, tension, and compression problems; simple statics and dynamics problems; material selection, cost estimation and tolerance studies.

5.2 Modify existing products to meet internal or external customer requirements.
5.3 Creates engineering layouts for fit, form and function checking.
5.4 Prepares calculations and design packages as required to complete design reviews.
5.5 Prepares, checks and or directs the preparation of detailed drawings and layouts.
5.6 Coordinates the manufacture of prototypes.
5.7 Develops and conducts experimental test programs.
5.8 Analyses test data to determine if the product meets predetermined technical specifications.
5.9 Prepares documentation as required for Engineering files.
5.10 Develop new products and services.
5.11 Participates in and understands the analysis of failures.
5.12 Prevents or eliminates defects in new or existing products.
5.13 Demonstrates an understanding of fundamental design tools such as threaded connections,seals, plated surfaces, heat treating, etc.
5.14 Understands the key limitations and advantages to manufacturing the product in different manners.

Proven technical problem solving ability.
• Willingness to learn new skills.
• Demonstrated communication skills and a willingness to work in a team environment.
• Microsoft Office Suite.
• At least two years of experience as an engineer.

B.S Mechanical Engineering and a minimum of 2 years of structural engineering experience Preferred
Passed the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (FE).
Member of professional society such as the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) or the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME Equivalent).
Willing to travel locally as required to liaise with Manufacturing, Product Line Management, Sales, Customers or Vendors.
Willing to work hands on in a laboratory environment.

Direct manufacturing experience with respect to design.

To Apply Visit:


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