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SENIOR SUBSEA STRUCTURES ENGINEER required by our Client, an International Oil & Gas Operator, to be based in Singapore


To provide support to the Umbilicals Risers and Flowlines (URF) Group
by review and oversight of the SURF EPCI Contractor's design and
fabrication of subsea structures (Production and Gas Export Riser
Bases (with SSIV's), MEG Manifold, FLETs and In-Line-Tees) throughout
execution phase.


Occupational Health and Safety

Conduct all activities in a safe and efficient manner in accordance
with the Company's policies and procedures. Ensuring the welfare of
personnel and the protection of assets and the environment at all
Apply passive and inherently safe principles in the design,
manufacture, installation and operation of the SURF subsea structures.


Represent SURF Group in relation to technical issues surrounding the
subsea structures, in conjunction with other senior discipline
engineers, at both internal and external meetings.
Become thoroughly conversant with project documentation,
specifications and procedures.
Review and comment internal Client project documentation and external
consultant / contractor project documentation.
Monitor all facets of subsea structure work to ensure that project
schedule, budget and technical requirements have, as a minimum, been
met or improved upon.
Perform regular visits to the fabication yard (Indonesia) to attend
technical meetings related to subsea structures as well as supporting
SIT operations. Liaise with the QC team on-site to resolve queries
and issues.
Bring to earliest attention of Structures & RSS Package Engineer any
subsea structures issues which present a significant threat to the URF
Package and offer mitigating measures / work plan.
Provide reporting function towards the Structures & RSS Package
Engineer for all subsea structures.
Preparation of project documentation.
Assist the Structures & RSS Package Engineer as required.

Technical Expertise

Technical authority for subsea structures design and fabrication and
ensure industry best practice principles are applied to project.
Ensure development of a cohesive and fit for purpose SURF Package
engineering related to subsea structures.
Ensure engineering and fabrication of subsea structures to applicable
codes, standards and quality requirements.
Lead / participate in Design Review, HAZID / ENVID, Constructability
Review workshops etc.
Resolve subsea structures-related interface issues and technical queries.

Advice and Leadership

Provide technical leadership for all aspects of subsea structures
design, manufacture, fabrication, installation and pre-commissioning
Anticipate, identify and resolve detailed subsea structures technical
issues in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
Define, monitor and manage work tasks with external consultants /
contractors as required.
Team Work
Provide support to the SURF Engineering and Fabrication Manager, URF
Installation Team and other members of the SURF Group as required.
Develop strong teamwork with project personnel.
Work closely with EPCI Contractor personnel.

If you're interested in the position, email a recent CV to Otherwise, feel free to forward
to anyone who might be suitable.


Richard Halewood
Regional Business Manager (Singapore)
Mentor IMC Group

Posted By Richard Halewood

Go to the complete announcement\

Don't want to hear from the manager:\

This email was intended for Wawan Isnawan (E&I Engineer at MISC
Berhad). Follow this link to learn why we include this information.\

(c) 2012, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA


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