Dear bapak / ibu moderator, mohon ijinnya untuk meneruskan lowongan di PHE.
Dengan hormat,
Berikut kami kirimkan lowongan dengan detail Job Title, Job Responsible & Job Requirement, paling lambat 4 Januari 2013. Aplikasi bisa dikirimkan dengan kode subject email dan alamat pengiriman sesuai dengan tabel pada file terlampir. Beberapa posisi tersebut membutuhkan background :
Ilmu ekonomi
Teknik Geologi
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Kimia
Teknik Mesin
Teknik Perminyakan
Teknik Pertambangan
Teknik Industri
Teknik Bangunan Kapal
Teknik Kelautan
Teknik Kelistrikan Kapal
Teknik Perkapalan
Teknik Permesinan Kapal
Teknik Sistem Perkapalan
Demikian informasi kami sampaikan, atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.
From: Rahmaty Aliyuddin
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 10:48 AM
To: David Ontosari Medi Setyawan
Subject: JOB POSTING (Lowongan MIGAS)
Importance: High
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 10:48 AM
To: David Ontosari Medi Setyawan
Subject: JOB POSTING (Lowongan MIGAS)
Importance: High
Dear Mas David,
Mohon bantuannya untuk JOB POSTING (Lowongan MIGAS).
Terlampir kami sampaikan Job Title, Job Responsible &
Job Requirement – nya.
Mohon kirim CV & Sertifikat sebelum tanggal 04 Januari 2013 ke :
Terima kasih atas bantuannya Mas David Ontosari.
Dear Mas David
ReplyDeleteFile lampiran mengenai Job title, dll mana ya?
Mohon maaf tapi saya ga menemukannya.
Terima Kasih mas
Dear admin
ReplyDeleteMau bertanya tentang bagaimana cara mencantumkan info lowongan kerja di milis ini? Terima kasih sebelum dan sesudahnya.
Dear bapak / ibu moderator, mohon ijinnya untuk meneruskan lowongan ini di milis migas Indonesia ini. Terima kasih banyak sebelumnya.
ReplyDeletePT. YAMA Engineering, a rapid growth Indonesian Engineering and Construction company in the oil and gas services, currently working for several oil and gas projects and its investment projects in Indonesia and now looking for several high calibre and strong motivated candidates as follows:
1. Fresh graduate multi discipline (Chemical Engineering, Physic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil/structure engineering) graduated from ITB, UI, UNPAR, ITS, UNS, TRISAKTI, UNDIP, UGM.
2. Junior discipline engineer with minimum 5 years working experiences as discipline engineer on EPCI oil and gas project, petrochemical project, power plants project, pulp and paper project (Piping/stress Engineer, Pipeline Engineer, Process Engineer, Instrument Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Civil/structure engineer, Mechanical Static/tankage/vessel Engineer, Mechanical Rotating engineer, Process safety engineer).
3. Senior discipline engineer with minimum 10 years working experiences as discipline engineer on EPCI oil and gas project, petrochemical project, power plants project, pulp and paper project (Piping/stress Engineer, Pipeline Engineer, Process Engineer, Instrument Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Civil/structure engineer, Mechanical Static/tankage/vessel Engineer, Mechanical Rotating engineer, Process safety engineer).
4. Project engineer with minimum 15 years working experiences and 5 years working experiences as project engineer/interface engineer on EPCI oil and gas project, petrochemical projects, power plants project, pulp and paper project.
5. Project Manager with minimum 20 years working experiences and 10 years working experiences as project Manager on EPCI oil and gas project, petrochemical projects, power plants project, pulp and paper project.
General requirement:
1. Fluent written and spoken english and Bahasa Indonesia.
2. Hard Working, self motivated, ability to work independent or in a group, loyal, honest, problem solver, cost concious, strong nationalism.
3. Willing to work all around Indonesia.
4. Ages: less than 25 years for fresh graduate.
Application letter (including proposed position), encl with complete CV, foto, and related certificates shall be sent to PT. YAMA Engineering,
attn: Human Resources Dept.
Dear bapak / ibu moderator, mohon ijinnya untuk meneruskan lowongan ini di milis migas Indonesia ini. Terima kasih banyak sebelumnya.
ReplyDeletePT. YAMA Engineering, a rapid growth Indonesian Engineering and Construction company in the oil and gas services, currently working for several oil and gas projects and its investment projects in Indonesia and now looking for several high calibre and strong motivated candidates as follows:
1. Construction Manager with minimum 20 years working experiences and 10 years working experiences as construction Manager on EPCI oil and gas project, petrochemical projects, power plants project, pulp and paper project.
2. Project service/control engineer with minimum 10 years working experiences as project service/control engineer on EPCI oil and gas project, petrochemical projects, power plants project, pulp and paper project.
3. Project scheduler with minimum 10 years working experiences as project scheduler on EPCI oil and gas project, petrochemical projects, power plants project, pulp and paper project.
4. Cost control engineer with minimum 10 years working experiences as project cost control engineer on EPCI oil and gas project, petrochemical projects, power plants project, pulp and paper project.
5. Discipline drafter with minimum 10 years working experiences as discipline drafter on EPCI oil and gas project, petrochemical project, power plants project, pulp and paper project, and property project (Piping, Pipeline, Process, Instrument, Electrical, Civil/structure, Mechanical, Process).
6. Discipline designer with minimum 20 years working experiences with 10 years working experiences as discipline designer on EPCI oil and gas project, petrochemical project, power plants project, pulp and paper project, and property project (Piping, Pipeline, Process, Instrument, Electrical, Civil/structure, Mechanical, Process).
7. Inspector with minimum 10 years working experiences as inspector on EPCI oil and gas project, petrochemical project, power plants project, pulp and paper project, and property project (Welding, painting, Instrument, Electrical, Civil/structure, Mechanical tankage/vessel/rotating). inspection certificate is mandatory.
8. Project/contract administrator with minimum 10 years working experiences as project/contract administrator on EPCI oil and gas project, petrochemical project, power plants project, pulp and paper project, and property project.
General requirement:
1. Fluent written and spoken english and Bahasa Indonesia.
2. Hard Working, self motivated, ability to work independent or in a group, loyal, honest, problem solver, cost concious, strong nationalism.
3. Willing to work all around Indonesia.
4. Ages: less than 25 years for fresh graduate.
Application letter (including proposed position), encl with complete CV, foto, and related certificates shall be sent to PT. YAMA Engineering,
attn: Human Resources Dept.