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[Vacant Positions] Procurement Manager, Procurement Officer, and HR Generalist

Dear all,

With over 30 years' experience, Air Energi are the premier supplier of trusted expertise to the oil and gas industry. Headquartered in Manchester UK, Air Energi has regional hubs in Houston, Doha, Singapore and Brisbane. We have offices in 35 locations worldwide, experience of supply for 50 countries worldwide, and through our company values: Safe, knowledgeable, innovative, passionate, inclusive and pragmatism, WE DELIVER, each and every time. Currently, we are assisting one of our client, a multinational oil & gas exploration & production company which based in South Jakarta. They are seeking for several positions as follows :

1. Procurement Manager (PM)

Requirements :

- Manage Procurement Department 

- Accountable for development of procurement strategies

- Accountable for approval of Bid-Lists and purchase orders up to certain limit of authority

- Preparation of negotiation strategies and procurement negotiations as appropriate

- Accountable for reviewing and approving Contractors requests for payment with respect to vendors, ensuring all obligations have been met before payments are released.

2. Procurement Officer (PO)

Requirements :

- Develops Bidders Lists for assigned Request for Quotation (RFQ) packages, prepares RFQ specific commercial documents and issues RFQ to suppliers for bid. Coordinates clarifications/revisions as required.

- Conducts Bid Opening and prepares Bid Ranking Prepares bid clarification requests and issues to selected bidder(s) and coordinates bidder clarification meetings.

- Arranges and conducts meetings with Suppliers, negotiates and issues PO Change Orders and prepares weekly and monthly project procurement status reports to ensure effective internal and external communication.

- Assists in expediting receipt of PO close out forms from Suppliers.

Investigates and responds to Document Control’s queries concerning Vendor documentation.

- Arranges for site and/or offshore technical services required of suppliers.

- Assists in updating the Corporate Supplier database based on the performance of suppliers for each of the various types of equipment, materials, and services usually purchased for projects. Assists with qualifying new suppliers, ensuring that they meet qualification requirements. Utilizes the Supplier Performance Management System to provide timely feedback to suppliers.

3. HR Generalist (HRG)

Requirements :

- Coaching managers and management with respect to the application of core HR practices, processes and tools.

- Providing timely, high quality support to managers to ensure employee relations, organizational design and recruitment needs are addressed appropriately.

- Partners with managers to day to day administration of policies and programs covering areas which may include recruiting, compensation and benefits, training, employee and labor relations, and personnel research.

- Actively participating in client management teams, gaining an understanding of their business and opportunities to support with HR solutions and information.

- Designs and manages execution of plan to improve employee engagement.

If you have the required experience and would like the opportunity to join with us, please email your application to:

Thank you.

Best regards,

Marsha Gabrielle

PattiasinaRecruitment Consultant at Air Energi Indonesia

If you have the required experience and would like the opportunity to join with us, please email your application to:

Thank you.

Best regards,

Marsha Gabrielle

PattiasinaRecruitment Consultant at Air Energi Indonesia


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